
Belt scale performance in your mobile!
Everybody responsible for material processing requires detailed machine performance data. Such information is important for transparent negotiations with customers and operations monitoring or proper pricing.
Our monitoring and performance evaluation approach sets a new level in the industry, where the common practice is still to measure machine-hours or make a photo of the scale display at best.
Proto našim zákazníkům dopravníkovou váhu DV-PLC280 rozšiřujeme o přístup k online portálu Skalapp Online prostřednictvím moderní mobilní sítě 4G. Sledování provozu i několika linek, pracujících na různých místech, se tak stává velmi pohodlné a přehledné. Vše funguje zcela automaticky, obsluha stroje nemusí dělat žádné další úkony navíc.
Immediate detailed info
Our goal was to provide one place where users can evaluate the performance of all their machines. Data are updated at least every 15 minutes and are immediately available.

We put major attention to selecting key indicators to make sure the user is not overloaded but is still well informed at the same time. Users will see:
- Machine performance over time
- Duration of belts running under full load, empty or being paused
- Summary of individual orders
- Data export to .CSV or .XLS for further processing
Data security and integrity

Data transfer algorithms reflect a challenging industrial environment and focus on ensuring data completeness = no missing records.
- All communication between the scale and server is encrypted as well as user access to the portal.
- Every data record is being transmitted until the server confirms successful reception.
- In case of a connection outage, all records are kept on the scale until the connection is restored.
Access from everywhere
Your dashboard is available immediately via your PC, tablet, or mobile phone through a web browser. The display layout is responsive and optimized for various screen sizes.
Thanks to cloud storage, you do not have to install any software on your local computers and bother your IT. Data are continuously transmitted without any human intervention—no need to call anyone or send SMS commands to ancient modems.
Available for mobile as well as stationary conveyors
The weighing element is constructed to fit into small conveyors – typical for mobile crushers and screeners. Installations for larger conveyors are straightforward.
We can install online access to all existing installations of DV-PLC280!